by Aimless Ant
Author's Description
360 degrees of suffering
Parent Map
Applicable Game Variants
(* my recommended game variants)
Slayer, Team Slayer*, even Big Team Slayer*
Oddball, Team Oddball*
KOTH, Team King*
Territories, Land Grab, Flag Rally*
Neutral Assault*
-Beautiful, clean, and original design
-Creative use of scenery pieces by means of interlocking
-Straight wall pieces
-Genius use of map geometry
-Versatility, this map can play most game variants
-Plenty of Elbow room
-Plays amazing on Neutral Assault and Team KOTH
-Some spawn-points are visible from higher ground
-Where's the ammo?
-The flags are too close together in CTF
-There is an Active-Camo on top of the oddball
My Opinion
Let me start of by saying that Radian is beautifully constructed and that it's author Aimless Ant is a genius when it comes to scenery piece placement. When i first encountered the map I thought it was just another knock off MLG map, but I was wrong, it offers so much more potential. As usual, I brought in an outside party from Big Team Slayer and played a few rounds of various game variants. Neutral Assault was a big hit, as well as Team King. They were also in awe of Radian's splendor, especially the maps showcase, the energy shield rings. There are plenty of places to hide and many different routes to take which will make the gameplay different every time. People want replay value.
On the downside, FFA is definately not welcome on this map. I recieved too many complaints about spawn camping from the higher platforms. Also, CTF didn't do to well either. People were grabbing the enemy flag in less than ten seconds. The flag placements are just way to close together. To make matters worse there is never any ammo to be found and I kept finding myself running out at the wrong time. And finally, I inoticed on oddball that there is an active camo piece place directly above it. That may complicate things.
In retrospect, this is a fantastic map. You can tell right away that the author put a lot of effort into this map. And on some variant gampleay is astounding, on others it is mediocre. But, mediocre does not mean flawed. Download this map, you will not be disappointed.
Gameplay - 8.5
Balancing - 8.5
Originality - 9.5
Neatness - 10
Overall - 9.1
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My first review
Raven - by Fleabus 7
Author's Description
High in it's perch the raven gains the advantage over it's prey. Be sure that you are the one with the advantage. 2-6 Players
- Fluid gameplay in both Slayer and Team Slayer variants.
- Beautiful level design
- The spawn points hold minimal cover against the high ground.
My Opinion
This is beautiful map. From its balanced weapon and spawn lay out, it's perfect symmetry, and genius use of geo-merging Fleabus 7 has created an incredible map that should not be overlooked.
The only downside I had noticed is that the spawns hold very little cover against the "Raven's Perch" so to speak. A good sniper could effectively hold down any enemy creating a potential for spawn killing.
Gameplay - 9
Balancing - 8
Originality - 10
Neatness - 10
Overall - 9.2
Raven - by Fleabus 7
Author's Description
High in it's perch the raven gains the advantage over it's prey. Be sure that you are the one with the advantage. 2-6 Players
- Fluid gameplay in both Slayer and Team Slayer variants.
- Beautiful level design
- The spawn points hold minimal cover against the high ground.
My Opinion
This is beautiful map. From its balanced weapon and spawn lay out, it's perfect symmetry, and genius use of geo-merging Fleabus 7 has created an incredible map that should not be overlooked.
The only downside I had noticed is that the spawns hold very little cover against the "Raven's Perch" so to speak. A good sniper could effectively hold down any enemy creating a potential for spawn killing.
Gameplay - 9
Balancing - 8
Originality - 10
Neatness - 10
Overall - 9.2
Detained Review
by gun123456
Author's Description
This is a medium sized map that uses half of foundry. It has two bases and 4 levels. It has plenty of cover and weapons.
Parent Map
Applicable Game Variants
- Plays all game variants
- Map layout has a natural flow
- Balanced spawn postioning
- Map is unescapable
- No interlocking was used
- Some wall based scenery pieces are placed very sloppilly
- All weapons and equipment spawn too often, 30 second preset
- One team spawns close to the shotgun, the over-shield, and the turret.
- Shotgun whoring
- Energy shield spawn camping
- Attacker's side has the overall advantage
My Opinion
Detained is a variant of foundry in which one side has been sealed off. While certainly it is not the first map of it's kind, few have as many pathways and such a natural flow. It certainly is far from the prettiest map, due to the lack of interlocking, but if properly applied to the current scenery placement this map would become beautiful.
The downside, while the spawns have been adequately placed the spawn times of the weapon placements (and the overshield too) are set to the default, 30 secs. To make matters worse, the Attackers (Blue team, I believe) have the advantage as their base connects directly to not only a shotgun, but an elevated sniper rifle, the one and only quick respawning overshield, and add a machine-gun turret to boot. And, although there is a sniper rifle placed on the defenders side, you'd be damn lucky if you aren't sniped in the process of grabbing it. Ironically following after the very name of the map itself, the very shield doors that prevent the Attacker's sniper-spree against the Defender's spawn will keep you held prisoner by the quick spawning shotgun with a little help from it's friends quick-spawn turret and quick-spawn overshield.
In retrospect, I tried not to be too harsh on this map because in all honesty I like it's layout, and aside from the weapon problems, all the game variants are properly placed and in theory should play rather well. As I said before, I enjoy the layout and if it was interlocked even half as nicely as Paranoia UK II's Killswitch this would be a gorgeous looking map. I suggest that you look into interlocking or perhaps ask for someones help in the matter. If you clean up the messiness, provide a little more balance to the weapon placement, and adjust the weapons' spawn times, then you might actually have a really good map there. I think you have the potential to be a good forger, so don't give up.
Gameplay - 7.5
Balancing - 4.5
Originality - 6.5
Neatness - 5.5
Overall - 6
by gun123456
Author's Description
This is a medium sized map that uses half of foundry. It has two bases and 4 levels. It has plenty of cover and weapons.
Parent Map
Applicable Game Variants
- Plays all game variants
- Map layout has a natural flow
- Balanced spawn postioning
- Map is unescapable
- No interlocking was used
- Some wall based scenery pieces are placed very sloppilly
- All weapons and equipment spawn too often, 30 second preset
- One team spawns close to the shotgun, the over-shield, and the turret.
- Shotgun whoring
- Energy shield spawn camping
- Attacker's side has the overall advantage
My Opinion
Detained is a variant of foundry in which one side has been sealed off. While certainly it is not the first map of it's kind, few have as many pathways and such a natural flow. It certainly is far from the prettiest map, due to the lack of interlocking, but if properly applied to the current scenery placement this map would become beautiful.
The downside, while the spawns have been adequately placed the spawn times of the weapon placements (and the overshield too) are set to the default, 30 secs. To make matters worse, the Attackers (Blue team, I believe) have the advantage as their base connects directly to not only a shotgun, but an elevated sniper rifle, the one and only quick respawning overshield, and add a machine-gun turret to boot. And, although there is a sniper rifle placed on the defenders side, you'd be damn lucky if you aren't sniped in the process of grabbing it. Ironically following after the very name of the map itself, the very shield doors that prevent the Attacker's sniper-spree against the Defender's spawn will keep you held prisoner by the quick spawning shotgun with a little help from it's friends quick-spawn turret and quick-spawn overshield.
In retrospect, I tried not to be too harsh on this map because in all honesty I like it's layout, and aside from the weapon problems, all the game variants are properly placed and in theory should play rather well. As I said before, I enjoy the layout and if it was interlocked even half as nicely as Paranoia UK II's Killswitch this would be a gorgeous looking map. I suggest that you look into interlocking or perhaps ask for someones help in the matter. If you clean up the messiness, provide a little more balance to the weapon placement, and adjust the weapons' spawn times, then you might actually have a really good map there. I think you have the potential to be a good forger, so don't give up.
Gameplay - 7.5
Balancing - 4.5
Originality - 6.5
Neatness - 5.5
Overall - 6
Killswitch Review
by Paranoia UK II
Author's Description
As the planet Reach and its brave defenders were bombarded to rubble, a single underground structure survived the chaos.
Parent Map
Applicable Game Variants
Map is designed for mainly FFA or 2 vs 2 gametypes. Also supports Territories, Infection, VIP, Juggernaut, CTF and Oddball.
- Original Idea
- Beautifully constructed
- Innovative use of Scenery Pieces
- Interlocking at it's finest
- A working elevator
- Touch activated death traps
- Balanced spawn and weapon positioning
- Too many grenades
- Tight Quarters
- Potential sword/shotgun whoring
- One-way elevator
- Energy shield camping
- Oddball not recommended
My Opinion
Let me start off by saying that I have looked over a lot of maps in my time and this one has to be one of the most creative ones I've encountered so far. Although I have seen maps with working traps before, this one easily has the most playability and is the most cosmetically pleasing. Scenery pieces are so cleanly placed creating beautifully interlocked archways and cathedral ceilings, showing off the author's master craftmanship when it comes to the forge. It truly is such wonderful eye candy. The spawn points are evenly placed and a wide yet subtle variety of weapons makes the map flow great in 2 vs. 2 battles.
The downside, there are few flaws to this map that the would give all players who are aware of them an edge over others. For example, the elevator is only one-way, which obviously couldn't be helped , but in oddball matches, the ball carrier can almost safely hide up in the loft above so long as he is good at dodging grenades. Also, because the shotgun and two swords are available so often (respawn times on the swords are set for 30 secs, and the shotgun is set for 1 min) players can easily camp safely behind one of the four shield doors. And finally the level is so compact and confined that spawn camping is not just possible, it is eventual.
In retrospect, this is a fantastic map. Although there are a few minor flaws the gameplay is very enjoyable and fast paced. Quick thinking is involved because one wrong step and you're a pancake. This is a great map for 2-4 players and it is a must download.
Gameplay - 8.5
Balancing - 8.5
Originality - 9.5
Neatness - 10
Overall - 9.1
by Paranoia UK II
Author's Description
As the planet Reach and its brave defenders were bombarded to rubble, a single underground structure survived the chaos.
Parent Map
Applicable Game Variants
Map is designed for mainly FFA or 2 vs 2 gametypes. Also supports Territories, Infection, VIP, Juggernaut, CTF and Oddball.
- Original Idea
- Beautifully constructed
- Innovative use of Scenery Pieces
- Interlocking at it's finest
- A working elevator
- Touch activated death traps
- Balanced spawn and weapon positioning
- Too many grenades
- Tight Quarters
- Potential sword/shotgun whoring
- One-way elevator
- Energy shield camping
- Oddball not recommended
My Opinion
Let me start off by saying that I have looked over a lot of maps in my time and this one has to be one of the most creative ones I've encountered so far. Although I have seen maps with working traps before, this one easily has the most playability and is the most cosmetically pleasing. Scenery pieces are so cleanly placed creating beautifully interlocked archways and cathedral ceilings, showing off the author's master craftmanship when it comes to the forge. It truly is such wonderful eye candy. The spawn points are evenly placed and a wide yet subtle variety of weapons makes the map flow great in 2 vs. 2 battles.
The downside, there are few flaws to this map that the would give all players who are aware of them an edge over others. For example, the elevator is only one-way, which obviously couldn't be helped , but in oddball matches, the ball carrier can almost safely hide up in the loft above so long as he is good at dodging grenades. Also, because the shotgun and two swords are available so often (respawn times on the swords are set for 30 secs, and the shotgun is set for 1 min) players can easily camp safely behind one of the four shield doors. And finally the level is so compact and confined that spawn camping is not just possible, it is eventual.
In retrospect, this is a fantastic map. Although there are a few minor flaws the gameplay is very enjoyable and fast paced. Quick thinking is involved because one wrong step and you're a pancake. This is a great map for 2-4 players and it is a must download.
Gameplay - 8.5
Balancing - 8.5
Originality - 9.5
Neatness - 10
Overall - 9.1
Monday, September 29, 2008
Se7enth Column
Se7enth Column - by LEG10N
Author's Description - Unlimited Possibilities.....
Game Variants - All
-Beautifully crafted
-Original theme
-Intuitive design
-Balanced weapons and spawn points
-Lot's of elbow room
-Versatility, it plays well on everything
-Great for Free for All
-Small arena, occasional spawn killing
-Power weapons respawn a little too often
My Opinion - Compared to his other maps, LEG10N's Se7enth Column is a bit more subtle. But, subtly should not be confused with simplicity. Se7enth Column looks amazing. Insane use of interlocking and perfect geometry create a seven sided circular arena in the shape of Bungie's logo the Se7enth Column, hence the name of the map.
The gameplay is tight. I played it on several different game variants and they all played particularly well with balanced team numbers. Weapon placement is fair and grenades of all types are plentiful. There is plenty of space to engage in close to long range combat.
On the downside, it is a smaller map and with greater numbers spawn killing occurs more often. Also, some of the power weapons (Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, Sniper Rifles, etc.) spawn a little too quickly.
In retrospect, this is a wonderful tribute to Bungie, and I can can only hope that they return the favor and pay tribute to LEG10N. Se7enth Column is worthy of Bungie Favorites, so download and rate this map 5/5.
Gameplay - 9.5
Balancing - 9.5
Originality - 10
Neatness - 10
Overall - 9.7
Se7enth Column - by LEG10N
Author's Description - Unlimited Possibilities.....
Game Variants - All
-Beautifully crafted
-Original theme
-Intuitive design
-Balanced weapons and spawn points
-Lot's of elbow room
-Versatility, it plays well on everything
-Great for Free for All
-Small arena, occasional spawn killing
-Power weapons respawn a little too often
My Opinion - Compared to his other maps, LEG10N's Se7enth Column is a bit more subtle. But, subtly should not be confused with simplicity. Se7enth Column looks amazing. Insane use of interlocking and perfect geometry create a seven sided circular arena in the shape of Bungie's logo the Se7enth Column, hence the name of the map.
The gameplay is tight. I played it on several different game variants and they all played particularly well with balanced team numbers. Weapon placement is fair and grenades of all types are plentiful. There is plenty of space to engage in close to long range combat.
On the downside, it is a smaller map and with greater numbers spawn killing occurs more often. Also, some of the power weapons (Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, Sniper Rifles, etc.) spawn a little too quickly.
In retrospect, this is a wonderful tribute to Bungie, and I can can only hope that they return the favor and pay tribute to LEG10N. Se7enth Column is worthy of Bungie Favorites, so download and rate this map 5/5.
Gameplay - 9.5
Balancing - 9.5
Originality - 10
Neatness - 10
Overall - 9.7
High Treason
High Treason - by LE610N X
Author's Description - Brought to you by DIVISION 69 designed by LE610N X
Game Variants - Any, symmetrical game types are preferred, but not necessary.
-Beautifully constructed
-Impressive innovative design
-Plays any game-type, both symmetrical and assymetrical
-Strategic spawn and weapons placement
-Creative use of interlocked scenery pieces
-Lots of elbow room
-Lot's of hiding spots, if you like to camp
-Good vantage points, if you like to snipe
-Fluid gameplay
-Confusing to people unfamiliar to map.
-Lots of hiding spots, if you hate campers
-Too many vantage points, if you hate snipers
My Opinion - High Treason is a marvel of a Foundry modification. It is unique in it's construction and it plays very well on all game variants, assymertical played the best, but it also plays well on symmetrical.
LE610N X is a genius, he brings an artistic approach to forging that is unparalleled by no less than the best of best. Like Aspire and 4RUNNER, High Treason was constructed with an unusual yet extraordinary design. The author makes use of every piece and they are as important as any other. Every staircase, weapon holder, window piece, etc. serves it's purpose either cosmetically or interactively. It also has a windy shape to it that makes the level seem more fluid and less blocky. LE610N X also used an interesting theme, whether intentional or not, by making corner piece roof tops that gives it a cityscape feel.
There are no real flaws to this map, if anything because of it's clustered design it is a bit confusing at first. That doesn't damper the map though, Ghost Town annoyed me until I learned it's layout and now it's one of my favorite Halo 3 maps. Also, there are a lot of hiding spots and sniper positions that can and will aggravate unfamiliar people as those who are familiar have the advantage. But, that is not the Author's fault, learn your enviroment because this is a fantastic map.
In retrospect, I monitor a lot of custom maps and at the request of my groups and individual users I submit reviews. I have seen almost everything and there is a reason why LE610N X is one of my favorite forgers. His maps are intricate and original and his forging skills are top dog. High Treason is certainly no let down, it is in my opinion his best to date. Download this map it is worthy of Bungie Favorites.
Gameplay - 10
Balancing - 10
Originality - 10
Neatness - 10
Overall - 10
High Treason - by LE610N X
Author's Description - Brought to you by DIVISION 69 designed by LE610N X
Game Variants - Any, symmetrical game types are preferred, but not necessary.
-Beautifully constructed
-Impressive innovative design
-Plays any game-type, both symmetrical and assymetrical
-Strategic spawn and weapons placement
-Creative use of interlocked scenery pieces
-Lots of elbow room
-Lot's of hiding spots, if you like to camp
-Good vantage points, if you like to snipe
-Fluid gameplay
-Confusing to people unfamiliar to map.
-Lots of hiding spots, if you hate campers
-Too many vantage points, if you hate snipers
My Opinion - High Treason is a marvel of a Foundry modification. It is unique in it's construction and it plays very well on all game variants, assymertical played the best, but it also plays well on symmetrical.
LE610N X is a genius, he brings an artistic approach to forging that is unparalleled by no less than the best of best. Like Aspire and 4RUNNER, High Treason was constructed with an unusual yet extraordinary design. The author makes use of every piece and they are as important as any other. Every staircase, weapon holder, window piece, etc. serves it's purpose either cosmetically or interactively. It also has a windy shape to it that makes the level seem more fluid and less blocky. LE610N X also used an interesting theme, whether intentional or not, by making corner piece roof tops that gives it a cityscape feel.
There are no real flaws to this map, if anything because of it's clustered design it is a bit confusing at first. That doesn't damper the map though, Ghost Town annoyed me until I learned it's layout and now it's one of my favorite Halo 3 maps. Also, there are a lot of hiding spots and sniper positions that can and will aggravate unfamiliar people as those who are familiar have the advantage. But, that is not the Author's fault, learn your enviroment because this is a fantastic map.
In retrospect, I monitor a lot of custom maps and at the request of my groups and individual users I submit reviews. I have seen almost everything and there is a reason why LE610N X is one of my favorite forgers. His maps are intricate and original and his forging skills are top dog. High Treason is certainly no let down, it is in my opinion his best to date. Download this map it is worthy of Bungie Favorites.
Gameplay - 10
Balancing - 10
Originality - 10
Neatness - 10
Overall - 10
Arctic Stronghold
ArcticStronghold - by DogzillaV3
Author's Description - An Invasion force has arrived at an arctic stronghold. 6-16 players. By DogzillaV3, Limozeen000, and ConcernedPie. V1.2
Game Variants - Slayer, Team Slayer, Invasion Force*, Storm the beach*
( * = recommended game variant. Underlined = Custom Game Variant.)
-Original Theme
-Innovative forging techniques
-Interactive enviroment
-Lots of Weapons
-Clean Forging, even though interlocking was not used.
-Unbalanced gameplay
-Not very versatile
-Too many weapons for assault
-Not enough Weapons for defense
-There is only one entrance to the "drop ship".
-The ground forces are at the mercy of the invading team.
-No tangeable gameplay.
My Opinion I love the theme to this map. Although it is not the first space ship I have seen on avalanche, it is one of the best. There was no interlocking used, but nevertheless all the pieces were placed cleanly. The concept of the map is interesting in theory, but unfortunately it doesn't play very well at all. The author should have spent more time putting in more assymmetrical game variants and adding more defense for the ground based team. But, before I get into the horrible gameplay, I 'd like to discuss the innovative techniques the other used in creating the map, because they are definitely worth mentioning.
First of all, the dropship is fully functional. It is equipped with two hornets attached to the sides and two warthogs that can drive off the ship. One warthog is cleverly held in place by a weapon holder and a grav lift. The warthog will drop when someone destroys the grav lift. There are also two plasma turrets positioned on two narrow decks on its sides adding to the effect of the theme. There is even a captains chair in the cockpit.
The downside, There is only one way into the dropship from the ground and it will most likely get you killed going there as someone will undoubtedly be camping the sniper rifle and plasma turrets on the dropship's bridge. Also, the invading team has such an unlimited variety of weaponry that they will use to dominate their opposition. The defense force will be slaughtered like lambs.
In retrospect, this map has some good ideas, it is merely imperfect. I think the author should spend a little more time balancing the teams and then you have a decent playable map, until then however this level is near unplayable.
Gameplay - 4
Balancing - 2.5
Originality - 8
Neatness - 7
Overall - 5.3
ArcticStronghold - by DogzillaV3
Author's Description - An Invasion force has arrived at an arctic stronghold. 6-16 players. By DogzillaV3, Limozeen000, and ConcernedPie. V1.2
Game Variants - Slayer, Team Slayer, Invasion Force*, Storm the beach*
( * = recommended game variant. Underlined = Custom Game Variant.)
-Original Theme
-Innovative forging techniques
-Interactive enviroment
-Lots of Weapons
-Clean Forging, even though interlocking was not used.
-Unbalanced gameplay
-Not very versatile
-Too many weapons for assault
-Not enough Weapons for defense
-There is only one entrance to the "drop ship".
-The ground forces are at the mercy of the invading team.
-No tangeable gameplay.
My Opinion I love the theme to this map. Although it is not the first space ship I have seen on avalanche, it is one of the best. There was no interlocking used, but nevertheless all the pieces were placed cleanly. The concept of the map is interesting in theory, but unfortunately it doesn't play very well at all. The author should have spent more time putting in more assymmetrical game variants and adding more defense for the ground based team. But, before I get into the horrible gameplay, I 'd like to discuss the innovative techniques the other used in creating the map, because they are definitely worth mentioning.
First of all, the dropship is fully functional. It is equipped with two hornets attached to the sides and two warthogs that can drive off the ship. One warthog is cleverly held in place by a weapon holder and a grav lift. The warthog will drop when someone destroys the grav lift. There are also two plasma turrets positioned on two narrow decks on its sides adding to the effect of the theme. There is even a captains chair in the cockpit.
The downside, There is only one way into the dropship from the ground and it will most likely get you killed going there as someone will undoubtedly be camping the sniper rifle and plasma turrets on the dropship's bridge. Also, the invading team has such an unlimited variety of weaponry that they will use to dominate their opposition. The defense force will be slaughtered like lambs.
In retrospect, this map has some good ideas, it is merely imperfect. I think the author should spend a little more time balancing the teams and then you have a decent playable map, until then however this level is near unplayable.
Gameplay - 4
Balancing - 2.5
Originality - 8
Neatness - 7
Overall - 5.3
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