Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Killswitch Review

by Paranoia UK II

Author's Description
As the planet Reach and its brave defenders were bombarded to rubble, a single underground structure survived the chaos.

Parent Map

Applicable Game Variants
Map is designed for mainly FFA or 2 vs 2 gametypes. Also supports Territories, Infection, VIP, Juggernaut, CTF and Oddball.

- Original Idea
- Beautifully constructed
- Innovative use of Scenery Pieces
- Interlocking at it's finest
- A working elevator
- Touch activated death traps
- Balanced spawn and weapon positioning

- Too many grenades
- Tight Quarters
- Potential sword/shotgun whoring
- One-way elevator
- Energy shield camping
- Oddball not recommended

My Opinion
Let me start off by saying that I have looked over a lot of maps in my time and this one has to be one of the most creative ones I've encountered so far. Although I have seen maps with working traps before, this one easily has the most playability and is the most cosmetically pleasing. Scenery pieces are so cleanly placed creating beautifully interlocked archways and cathedral ceilings, showing off the author's master craftmanship when it comes to the forge. It truly is such wonderful eye candy. The spawn points are evenly placed and a wide yet subtle variety of weapons makes the map flow great in 2 vs. 2 battles.

The downside, there are few flaws to this map that the would give all players who are aware of them an edge over others. For example, the elevator is only one-way, which obviously couldn't be helped , but in oddball matches, the ball carrier can almost safely hide up in the loft above so long as he is good at dodging grenades. Also, because the shotgun and two swords are available so often (respawn times on the swords are set for 30 secs, and the shotgun is set for 1 min) players can easily camp safely behind one of the four shield doors. And finally the level is so compact and confined that spawn camping is not just possible, it is eventual.

In retrospect, this is a fantastic map. Although there are a few minor flaws the gameplay is very enjoyable and fast paced. Quick thinking is involved because one wrong step and you're a pancake. This is a great map for 2-4 players and it is a must download.

Gameplay - 8.5
Balancing - 8.5
Originality - 9.5
Neatness - 10

Overall - 9.1

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