Monday, September 29, 2008


Eruption - by Gungywamp Hero
Author's Description - To this day, no one can explain this bizarre structure...6-16 Players

- Unique and original theme
- Plenty of elbow room

- No tangeable gameplay
- No spawn points
- Where are the weapons?
- It's a mess.

My Opinion - This is a Foundry map variant. This is a unique level that shows not only a quality design idea but also adds an innovative theme I have yet to see done before. The perimeter of the level are well thought bending and arching hallways with a circular catwalk around the center. In the center is the maps key feature...the volcano. Although not very well constructed it's not the looks that are appealing but what the volcano actually does. Every ten seconds or so a weapon, grenade, or piece of equipment pops out of the mouth volcano.

Now for the bad part, Although the level design is well thought up, it is ugly, and it holds no tangeable gameplay. All the pieces have been placed rather lazily and it's a bit messy, which is a shame because this map has a lot of potential. Also, where are the spawn points? You can't balance a match if there are no or too few spawn points and the same thing goes with weapons. There are no weapons placed on the map and even though I liked the idea of weapons shooting out of the volcano, there are still too few weapons to upkeep on your ammunition.

Consider this, I believe you should update this map, fix your messy pieces with interlocking, especially on the volcano, add more a lot more spawn points. Also,instead of having all of your weapons pop out of the volcano, place basic weapons on the map and have the heavy weapons pop out of the volcano. I also think you should add lots of fusion coils to pop out of the volcano to add onto the effect.

If you need help with this, ask one of our Forge helpers, like DarkRoyalPrince, he is very efficient on the cleanup jobs.

Gameplay - 2
Balancing - 2
Originality - 10
Neatness - 6.5

Overall - 5.1

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