Monday, September 29, 2008

Aspire Review

Aspire - by LEG1ON

Author's Description - 2 B played with KOTH - slayer - team slayer - odd ball - CTF - territories/land grab - assault/neutral bomb/instant bomb -

- Smooth and semi-balanced gameplay
- It is versatile, this map can play almost any game variant.
- Sick use of geo-merging with walls and double boxes
- Lots of elbow room

- Gravity Hammer whoring
- Confusing access points to enemy spawn points
- Grenades are scarce

My Opinion
If Picasso did a forge map, I think it would look something like this. Not only is this map pure eye candy (and it is, i might add) but it is also compatible with almost every game variant available, which means no battle is ever the same. This map is a variant of Foundry, it is medium sized with wide open chambers and huddled hallways. It is layered and it stands two stories tall.

There are flaws to this fine specimen of forging talents. It is more difficult for the people who spawn on the bottom floor to access the top floor than those who spawn on the top floor need to get down. People who also spawn on the top floor have greater access to more powerful weapons including a Gravity Hammer in which they could easily camp the tight corners with. Bottom floor people have there work cut out for them. However, although it is difficult to siege the top floor it is not impossible and a game isn't fun if isn't a challenge.

This map is a must download not just for it's gaming qualities but I think other map makers could learn a lot from this map.

Gameplay - 8.5
Balancing - 6.5
Originality - 10
Neatness - 10

Overall - 8.7

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